Buhari has become chief recruiter for bandits, brigands & plonkers — Odinkalu | NN NEWS

The former Executive Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, Prof. Chidi Odinkalu has lamented that the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari has become the chief recruiter for bandits, brigands and plonkers, a term referring to foolish or inept persons.

Prof. Odinkalu made the remarks on Tuesday while commenting on the state of the nation and the systematic erosion of hope in the country on his Twitter handle.

Odinkalu lamented that Buhari’s cynical indifference to suffering, dearth of empathy, and the systematic destruction of hope in the country have by far out-paced what was foreseeable.

He tweeted:

“The real tragedy of @Mbuhari’s failure is not that it was foreseeable; It’s not in his cynical indifference to suffering; Nor is it that he’s bereft of empathy; It’s that he’s systematically destroyed hope in the country & become chief recruiter for bandits, brigands & plonkers

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