Hijab: Lagos gets 30-day ultimatum to issue circular on Supreme Court verdict | NN NEWS

The Lagos State Government has been given a 30-day ultimatum by the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria to issue a circular on the recently delivered judgement by the Supreme Court approving the use of hijab in Lagos schools.

The students, who gave the ultimatum during a press conference on Wednesday, urged the government to caution its officials against harassing Muslim females wearing the hijab

The Amir (president) MSSNLagos, Miftahudeen Thanni, explained that issuing the circular would curb “overzealous” teachers and principals from contempt of court.

He said, “This is not to castigate the Lagos State Government but to appeal for the prompt implementation of the Supreme Court judgement.

“We waited patiently to get the judgement and we were lawful throughout. During this period, we consulted, collaborated, protested, held rallies and sensitised government officials on why a willing Muslim female should be allowed to put on the hijab.”

Recall that after about 10 years of legal tussle, the Supreme Court on Friday, July 17, 2022, approved the wearing of hijab by female Muslim students to school in Lagos State.

The majority decision affirmed the earlier Court of Appeal’s decision which restored the use of hijab by female Muslim students in Lagos State.

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