Imo Jail break: About 80 mainly those on awaiting trial, less prison term returns as none of harden, condemned inmates return | NN NEWS

Following the Owerri Imo State Correctional Centre jail break, more than 80 prisoners who escaped have voluntarily returned back. 

However, it was gathered that the returnees are mainly those on awaiting trial, those who have less prison term and those who are about to complete their jail terms, that the main problem is none of the harden and condemned criminals returned.  

A source at the Nigerian Correctional Service disclosed this to the media on Wednesday. 

He said: “About 17 of them returned on Tuesday and on Wednesday, we saw more than 20 returning back. 

“About 42 of the inmates returned as of Monday evening, taking the total number of returnees to 80. 

“The problem we are having, and this is not peculiar to the jail break here, is that none of the hardened and condemned inmates (HCI) who escaped has returned. 

“This is understandable because it will take a miracle for a person who knows that his execution can take place any moment, to return after his freedom was given to him freely by those who broke into the facility,” the Nation reported.

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