Mefor: Everything Kanu accused Nigeria is what he is doing in IPOB | NN NEWS

The Director of Biafra Human Right and Freedom Radio, Mazi Uche-Mefor Okafor has accused the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra Mazi Nnamdi Kanu of replicating the same evil and lies he accused the Nigeria of in IPOB. 

Uche-Mefor who is known for his diplomatic disposition, in a statement said, “Everything Nnamdi Kanu is saying about Nigeria, about evil and lies is what he is doing in IPOB and the wider Biafran public”. 

Mefor is also one of the people leading the unification of all pro Biafra and other ethnic groups of Biafra for reconciliation in order to fasten restoration of Biafra, went ahead and said, “There is no way anybody can claim he is fighting an offensive war, yet make his territory a theatre of war by inviting the same enemies to use that same territory of his as a battle ground”. 

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