Nigeria’s security forces killed 115 civilians in Southeast – Amnesty International | NN NEWS

Amnesty International (AI) has accused Nigerian security forces of committing a catalogue of human rights violations and crimes under international law in their response to spiralling violence in southeast Nigeria, carrying out a repressive campaign since January. 

According to the Amnesty International country Director, Osai Ojigho in a statement August 5, 2021, titled, ‘Nigeria: At least 115 people killed by security forces in four months in country’s Southeast.’ 

The evidence gathered by the Amnesty International paints a damning picture of ruthless excessive force by Nigerian security forces in Imo, Anambra and Abia states. 

It also said many of the victims were deposited at government hospitals in Imo and Abia states. 

AI stressed that several hospital sources who spoke said that all the victims deposited by the police had bullet injuries. 

The human rights group also said more than 500 were arrested after police and military invaded south east region. 

The report added that at least 21 personnel were killed in three months in Imo State. 

According to government officials, the ESN killed dozens of security operatives and attacked at least ten public buildings, including prisons and police stations, from January to June. In response, security forces comprising military, police, and Department of State Services have killed dozens of gunmen, as well as civilians, where attacks have been committed.” 

Eyewitnesses told AI that the security forces engaged in excessive use of force, physical abuse, secret detentions, extortion, burning of houses, theft, and extrajudicial executions of suspects. 

Amnesty International carried out an extensive investigation to document the human rights violations and crimes under international law in Anambra, Imo, Ebonyi and Abia states from January 2021. The organization documented 52 incidents of unlawful killings and 62 cases of arbitrary arrest, ill-treatment and torture. Media reports, video and audio recordings reviewed show that the Nigerian security forces also employed excessive force and other unlawful means to address the rising violence. 

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