Nkiruka Nistoran: We need security outfit, anti-open grazing backed by the law | NN NEWS

Dear south east governors; In 2020 you banned movement of Herdsmen with cows by foot and anti-open grazing without any law backing it, unlike Benue and now South West states who passed anti-open grazing into law.  

Meanwhile, since then, Herdsmen have been moving across the South East region without any arrest made, the worst part of it is that, our mothers, fathers, sons and daughters are been raped, killed and their farms destroyed. 

May I remind you (the South East governors), that as chief security of state, your duty is to protect lives and properties of people who voted you into power, but reverse is the case.  You politized everything, thereby putting their lives in danger. 

All we asked for, is security outfit and anti-open grazing backed by law in the states assembles. 

Enough is Enough.

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