Olawepo-Hashim beg Biafra separatists, others, call for dialogue | NN NEWS

Former presidential candidate, Mr. Gbenga Olawepo-Hashim, has called on separatist agitators across Nigeria, particularly Biafra agitators in the Eastern region to cease hostilities and give room to resolve contending issues politically. 

NN NEWS reported that all pro Biafra groups had come together in unionism and formed Biafra Defacto Customary Government, BDFCG to speak with one voice for the total restoration of Biafra and since then, Nigeria government have been jittery around, over fear of the Biafra unity. 

However, Olawepo-Hashim, a strong advocate for national unity, also called on the Federal Government to take quick action to stabilise the polity.

In his reaction to the recent attacks on the Imo State police headquarters and correctional facility in the state, Olawepo-Hashim lamented that separatist operations are getting more widespread in the Eastern region as well as agitations in the South West thereby heating up the polity.

He advised Nigerians to adopt civilised ways of resolving contending issues, rather than indulging in acts that might not augur well for continued growth and national development. 

“We shall continue to call for dialogue to strengthen the Nigerian federation,’ he said.

He however, called on the federal government on the need for quick action to douse tension in the Eastern region. “We need to see quick action on the part of government to stabilise the polity,” he added.

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