Peter Obi visit Femi Kuti, promises issue based campaign | NN NEWS

Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, has visited Femi, Anikulapo- Kuti at his Lagos residence.

He also assured the afrobeat singer that his ‘Obidient movement’ will base its campaign on issues rather than personality attacks.

This is coming days after the singer had shared a video on his Instagram page stating why he cannot be part of the ‘obidient’ movement.

Femi according to reports, claimed that he is too angry to be ‘Obidient’ considering how bad things have gone in the country under the administration of president Muhammadu Buhari.

“I saw what my own brother, Femi, tweeted and I said no! that is not what the future and the society we want to build.

“We will lead a campaign based on issues that affect Nigerians and that is what I encourage everybody to do,” he said while addressing Femi in the video clip.

The former Anambra State governor visited Femi in company of one of Nigeria’s foremost entertainer, Charles Chukwuemeka Oputa fondly known as CharlyBoy and others.

(News Band)

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