Tension in Rivers as unidentified Helicopter shoots passenger boat many feared dead, injured | NN NEWS

On Thursday night, a passenger boat in the Port Harcourt – Bonny canal in Rivers State was shot at by an unidentified aircraft, leaving at least one person critically injured.

The wooden boat was ferrying traders and their wares from Port Harcourt to Bonny when it was attacked by the unidentifiable chopper, according to an eyewitness.

Many people were injured, he said, but one individual was reported to be in a severe condition after suffering an injury to his spinal cord.

The helicopter, which he believes was on surveillance duty, may have suspected the boat of transporting illegally refined petroleum products, which is a typical business in the area, according to an eyewitness who is a boat driver at the Bonny jetty in Port Harcourt.

There has been no claim of responsibility from any security agency, and the police have yet to comment on the incident.

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