Buhari vows to deliver Nigeria Air as ‘parting gift to Nigerians | NN NEWS

President Muhammadu Buhari in the course of the week assured that the promised National Carrier would commence flight operations on or before December this year.

The News Agency reports that the president gave the assurance at the 3rd Ministerial Performance Review Retreat on Monday in Abuja.

According to him, the establishment of the National Carrier for Nigeria is at 91 per cent completion, saying the feat is being boosted with the certification of Lagos and Abuja International Airports by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

He said Kano and Port Harcourt Airports are undergoing similar certification processes.

The Nigeria Air gulps N14.6 billion, under five per cent government’s equity share, and the Federal Government had already taken delivery of nine out of the 20 training aircraft meant for the smooth preparation for the Nigeria Air project.

On the economy at the retreat, the President restated that the country had witnessed seven consecutive quarters of growth, after negative growth rates recorded in the 2nd and 3rd Quarters of 2020.

According to him, high-impact projects have also been implemented across the country meeting the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians.

The president highlighted remarkable progress made in the areas of agriculture, infrastructure, security, health and anti-corruption, among others.

He told participants and guests at the retreat, including the Keynote Speaker and immediate past President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, that over 3,800km of roads had been constructed across the country.

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