Court fixed 15th Nov to hear suit on Rotational Presidency | NN NEWS

Hon. Justice A. Mohammed of the Federal High Court 4, Abuja has fixed 15th November, 2021 for commencement of hearing on the suit filed by the Igbo Leadership Development Foundation and its National Chairman, Dr. Godwin Udibe against the Federal Character Commission, INEC and the 18 registered political parties in the country.

The date was contained in the hearing notice served on the Counsel for the Plaintiffs, Mr. John Nwobodo Esq.

The suit among other reliefs seeks a declaration that based on the Federal Character of Nigeria, the South East geopolitical zone is entitled to the exclusion of any other Zone in Nigeria to produce the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2023; an order restraining INEC from accepting nominations of persons who are not indigenes of South East geopolitical zone from the 18 registered political parties or any registered political party for the 2023 Presidential Election.

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